Peach Cobbler

Sweet, juicy peaches under a crisp, buttery crust.

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Location: The South, Y'all, United States

Friday, October 08, 2004

Coffee Talking

This is a school-free day for me today so what am I doing? I'm sitting here in front of my computer and enjoying a big ol' cup of coffee. Real cream here people.

The class I'm taking started on the 8th of September and will end on or around December 14. Prior to my new schedule, it was my habit to check my favorite websites first thing in the morning (before taking the young geniuses to school) and then I would periodically check in all through the day while I did this, that, or the other thing. This allowed me plenty of access to breaking news and usually I was pretty much on top of things. These days, when I get in my vehicle for the drive home after class, I feel as though I've been on some deserted island and I'm desparate to hear the news.

When I discovered late in the day yesterday that there had been a bombing at a resort in Egypt where many Israelis were vacationing, I was pretty agitated that I had not been aware of it before. Here again we see a deep, visceral need for violence and murder being demonstrated and perpetrated by islamists against who else? Israelis, of course. Oh and any others who just happen to be in the vicinity when the damned murdering cretins set off their bombs and killed innocent people just for being who they were.

And what is with the Egyptian authorities preventing ambulances from approaching the scene? Where they just so disorganized and unprepared for emergency situations that they got total brain block or something? Hey, move those opposeable thumbs (if you have any!), work the walkies with your supervisors and get those emergency vehicles in there on the double, you morons.

My prayers and condolences go out to those who lost friends and family members and to those who were injured in the blasts.

Those who continue to maim and kill innocent people because of years of ignorant hatred, they are more doomed than they will ever realize. Every time they dance in the street because more innocents have died, they slide even further backwards into the primitive mud. Every time one of them straps on a bomb belt and blows up a bus, or a cafe, or a hotel filled with people, they kick the people behind them right back down. Religion of Peace? Take a closer look. They have truly made their religion a stinking, bloody death cult and they are never going to drag themselves out of that muck and into modernity because they can't change the way they think.

In case Emunah stops by, Hello! and I apologize for the misspelling over at Minus's place. I don't know how I managed to get Eumanah out of Emunah.

The EZboard forum that was started up a couple of weeks or so ago has been discontinued by its owner/administrator. The place wasn't moving as quickly as originally hoped. I am still hopeful that at some time in the future, there'll be another forum so that the "gang" can congregate and discuss things. I do appreciate all of the time and hard work that the owner put into the place and I'm sorry it didn't work out. Until such time as another likely forum is found, the Yahoo group will be the fallback option.

Good coffee just doesn't last long, you know? This would be a good day to catch up on things that have fallen by the wayside around here except.....what I really want to do is go to the Library or the bookstore and load up on some science fiction/fantasy/horror books. I want to get sucked into a story. What to do...what to do.

Maybe just one more cup of coffee.


Blogger A said...

Just stumbled across your blog and thought I'd point out that Egypt receives the second-most US foreign aid, right behind israel.

I completely agree with you, though, that people who kill other people just to make a point are savages. unfortunately, there is often no other recourse for those who have no outlet for their anger and powerlessness.

Regarding your point re: the backwards ways of islam, please remember that it is the religious LEADERS who put these backwards interpretations of islam into the heads of young students, not the religion itself. one parallel is that most of the religious people here in the US have quite liberal, compassionate values, but the religious right's leaders are often the most "heard" via the media. In both cases, the extremists get the press, while the TRUE believers (of any religion) must fight to counteract this image.

I didn't mean to turn this into a rant or anything, just wanted to point out that I like your writing style - keep on blogging! Have a great day!


11:03 AM  
Blogger PeachCobbler said...

Hello Anton,

This will sound unkind of me but I would like to see a vast reduction in the billions of dollars that the US hands out all over the world. It seems that while the US is a fit target for terrorism, disdain, and much criticism, we are still expected to send money and lots of it. Helping others in a time of need is the right thing to do, but continuing to pour money into certain countries year after year, especially those countries that are harboring or supporting terrorists, is folly.

There are people living all over the world in squalid, pitiful, depressing situations who will never once in their lives kill another human being out of anger, frustration, or a sense of powerlessness at their situation. The extreme poverty in the Appalachians comes to mind.

Instead of focusing their anger and powerlessness on the corrupt members of their own society and government in genuine efforts to change their situations, there are those who choose to focus their anger, hatred, and violence against innocents. So they blow up buses and bomb cafes and discos. They shoot women and children and take hostages. They fly planes into buildings. They are terrorists and there is no justification for their actions. Being poor and angry about being poor is no excuse to kill the guy (or his family) across the street who works hard every day.

It takes a lot of courage to stand up to someone and tell them they are wrong, particularly when it comes to matters of religion. Like it or not, that is exactly what all the “true” believers in Islam must do. They must do it privately, publicly, and without ceasing if they really want to combat the false image of their religion that the extremists are spreading.

Absolute power does corrupt absolutely. Unfortunately the members of organized religions do not escape that maxim.

Anton, thank you very much for stopping by.

2:35 PM  
Blogger PeachCobbler said...

Now Lamp, you wouldn’t be trying to cheer me up or something would you? Actually, I think you are most likely correct that the former posters won’t be meeting up anywhere, at least anytime soon. That’s okay for now because I have some email addresses and I’m not afraid to use them.

Interesting facts on the history of coffee, true, but can you explain who it was who first decided to squeeze the dangly things on a cow (horse, camel, goat…whatever) and drink what comes out, much less put it in their coffee? And about that cheese thing….

Islam had better watch it. Islam may be big (as in there's a whole lot of them) but the actions of its adherents are making all us non-muslims crazy and the last time I checked, crazy beats big every time.

I scored three books at the library: a Repairman Jack novel, by F. Paul Wilson, something by a former female Special FBI agent, and something about why the rest of the world hates the west. Er, I think there was a clue in there about which one I’m looking forward to the most.

2:53 PM  

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