Peach Cobbler

Sweet, juicy peaches under a crisp, buttery crust.

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Location: The South, Y'all, United States

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Congratulations to the Iraqis!

This election in Iraq is pretty exciting and I am very happy for all the Iraqis who are voting.

Now, to all the whiners in the US who still are weeping into their hankies about their guy losing the 2004 election I must say....for goodness sakes, get a grip! It has become clear that your only joy in life is to criticize the Bush Administration in any way possible. It is really quite pathetic and terribly petty.

Take for example all this snorting and huffing over Vice President Dick Cheney wearing casual attire at the ceremony in Auschwitz. Puh-leeeze, people. Are you so starved for something to carp about that you are going to repeatedly talk about the "disrespect", the "inappropriateness", "how ridiculous he looked", and on and on? Take my advice and walk over to the nearest mirror. Look at your reflection and take a deep breath. Now slap yourself in the face just as hard as you can. Do it again. If you still are concerned about how Dick Cheney looked, repeat the process as many times as required to knock that silliness out of your mind.

I wonder if the people who were liberated at Auschwitz all those years ago would have been outraged by what Dick Cheney wore to the 60th anniversary of their freedom? I don't suppose anyone bothered to ask any survivors of Auschwitz what they thought of the situation.

Try to keep things in perspective people.


Blogger PeachCobbler said...

Well I'm certainly not romantic when it comes to Islam. In fact, I'm downright pessimistic when it comes to the stuff. So far, all I've seen is a lot of lip service about Islam being the ROP and about zero proof of that. It's past time for all those easy going, peaceloving, moderate muslims to clamp down on their violent, infidel hating brethren.

I'm very happy for the Iraqis but I know they still have a long road to travel.

There is definitely Sum Ting Wong in North Korea. Or maybe I mean Kim Jong Il?

6:23 AM  
Blogger PeachCobbler said...

What, you've never heard of Sum Ting Wong? That guy is all over the place and sure causes problems!

I'm inclined to agree with you and Ezra, Lamp. If there were any so-called moderates in that ROP(MA!) who had consciences, they would have been more vocal in their condemnation of the radicals among them. Hasn't happened yet!

The status of women in countries under Sharia is disgusting and I definitely wouldn't want daughters of mine living in those situations.

Islam is definitely marching across the world and I seem to recall that it has been stated by the head of C*A*I*R that they want to replace the Constitution of the US with the Koran and islam as the only religion in the US. Of course, I'm sure that anyone who questioned that would be assured that the sentiment was taken "out of context". Rrrii-iiiight.

5:36 AM  

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