Peach Cobbler

Sweet, juicy peaches under a crisp, buttery crust.

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Location: The South, Y'all, United States

Thursday, December 09, 2004

It's True...Some People Do Need Killing.

Having just read something over at one of my favorite places, Little Green Footballs, I had to rush right to my own spot and make a simple comment.

Someone posted a snippet of an exchange between a reporter and Rumsfeld (11-01-2001) where the reporter asked about the use of cluster bombs on al Qaeda and the Taliban. Rumsfeld's response made me want to stand up and cheer: "They're being used on front-line al Qaeda and Taliban troops to try to kill them, is why we're using them, to be perfectly blunt."

That's exactly right! Those people need killing and they need it bad. I've got a lot of respect for Rumsfeld for just coming right out and saying it.

As I said, LGF is one of my favorite places. I have registered over there and made one tiny post but I don't really feel comfortable jumping in because I don't want to mess up their dynamics. It is fun though to watch various trolls gnash their teeth and moan when they're taken to the woodshed, which happens on a fairly regular basis.

My previous blog entry was about fearing sleepovers with pre-teen girls. Well, I have learned to fear shoe-shopping with pre-teen and teenaged girls as well. Go on and add "clothes shopping" as well. I don't want them dressing like street walkers but that appears to be the going trend with clothing manufacturers. And, do you know how difficult it is to find a cute, non-slutty shoe for a 12 year old who wears a womens size 9?! Do you?!

At least we were able to score some acceptable chorus concert shoes last night. We went to The Mall but the shoes she wanted slipped on her narrow heels. Every other shoe she tried on was "too flat, no arch support", "too slippery", "too yucky", or "Ewwwww, Mom!". Finally, in desperation I pointed to a pair (on sale too!) similar to some she had for the spring. Aaaaaah, success. They rated well on her Style-O-Meter as well as the Comfort-O-Meter and as I said, they were on sale.

I like happy endings.


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